Thursday, June 11, 2009

Future ball player (soccer or basketball, perhaps)

or future otter impersonator?

Ruby's New 'Do

Ruby now has enough hair for a single ponytail

right on the top of her head.

She's channeling her inner Pebbles...

all she needs is a little bone bow.

Dig in!!!

Ruby has started eating "table foods" and feeding herself. It seems like most of the pictures I take of Ruby these days are of her having a full-body eating experience.

In these pictures she is enjoying some peas....
and yes, her eyebrows are GREEN!

Trying out a strawberry in her mesh feeder.
Those are black beans all over her face.
And she showed her love for the enchiladas by
adorning her entire body with the stuff!

Ruby's First Dip in the Pool

Cute in her suit...

This summer fun activity was NOT her cup of tea.

Ruby has 8 months under her belt....

and listen up,

because she has a story to tell you!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ruby's First Easter

Checking out what the Easter Bunny brought her.

Yeah I know I look cute in my Easter dress!

Happy girl.

Having some fun outside with Joe.

Our little princess.

Ruby's First Painting Experience

Let's get paint-y!

Ooooh, blue!

Do you like my work?

When it was all over a bath was definitely in order!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

We should spell adorable, R-U-B-Y!

Ruby met the cute little baby in the mirror.

She was wearing the same outfit as Ruby....

and would move when she moved....

she was a fun playmate!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Ruby adores her big brother, Joseph.
It is great to see how they are beginning to interact.

They have a blast together in the bathtub.

Here they are swinging together on the new playset.

Mommy's Birthday Celebration

Sitting with Grandpa

Trying out the slide with Grandma.

Playing in the grass for the first time...what is this poky stuff?
7 months

This was the only picture I got of Ruby on her 7 month birthday. She was a feeling a little sick.

Ruby's seeing the world from a new vantage point...

Sitting Up!

It is so exciting!
But Mommy still puts pillow behind her,
just in case she gets too excited.

Ruby's Rockin' and Rollin'!