Saturday, November 15, 2008

We got Ruby's 3 month pictures taken at good ol' JC Penney, so here are a few cute shots to tide you over until we get the prints.

This little top says, "If the tiara fits". Now we just need to get her a tiara!

There's nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby!

Mommy's Mission: Catch Ruby smiling on film

Oops...too soon...

There it is!
Ruby's First Halloween

A little banana for monkey Joe.

Ruby spends a lot of time strapped to Mommy when we are out and about.

Here she is all safe and cozy on the hay ride at the pumpkin patch.

Ruby's First Trip to the Zoo with Grandma and Grandpa.

It tired her out!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ruby's Two Month Picture

October 13, 2008

I couldn't pick just one!
This was Ruby letting me know she was done taking pictures!

Gotta love those little girl clothes!

This onesie says, "This is my little black dress."

Joe thinks she is "pretty cute."
Joseph often says, "Ruby Princess."

So this outfit seemed suited for her.

(It says "princess" on the front.)

She must be Sleeping Beauty.

Mirror, mirror on the wall, whose the cutest baby of them all?

Ruby, of course!

Ruby has been getting in some play time on her baby gym.

She loves staring at the baby in the mirror.

Giving Mommy a grin.

She's working on lifting her head.

It's hard work!
All that playing can really wear a little girl out!

There's that little pout while she sleeps.

So precious!
Ruby has been getting to know her grandmas.

She's so lucky to have two such wonderful, strong ladies to look up to, and who love her soooo much!

A Family Photo

With our newest member, Baby Ruby!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Oh, how time flies!

Ruby's One Month Picture

September 13, 2008

Girly Girl

Mommy loves dressing Ruby up in ribbons and bows.....

Ruby's not too sure if it's her style.

While Ruby's Buddha belly

can't compete with Joseph's at this age,

she wins the prize for biggest POUT!

Hanging with Big Bro, Joe.

Joseph teaching Ruby to say, "What's Up!"

A brother's sweet!

What a character!

What are you looking at?

Ruby ponders life during her tummy time.

What a cutie!

Pretty in Pink

Sleeping Baby

She likes her sleep!

"Don't bother me, I am trying to get my beauty rest."

Ruby's First Bath

All fresh and squeaky clean!